lørdag 1. juni 2013

Where is the people's rights, were of - who protects whom

Let everyone enjoy the sun

Good day to you all. I am a resident of Norway and was born and raised in this country, where we are in many ways a safe life, good health care and can be said to live the good life.

But that doesn't mean that we don't think and see what is happening around the world. We do this in very much, we are involved in various charities, we share a portion of our wealth to other countries, we are giving millions to "development assistance" and help even the EU countries, with large sums, even if we are not members there. 

In spite of this we are remarkably quiet when we look at all the injustice in the world, this is the way I experience it, and it does something to my mind and my soul. 

Ghana is a country that has been living in my heart for many years. It's a fantastic nice and beautiful country, and I have several friends in this beautiful country. But there is one big but. When I think of some "cultural traditions" that takes from the human being, his human and international rights, as in the following example, which I'll share with you now, and I hope some of the politicians in Ghana can do something with Ghana to stand today as one of the most and best "democratic countries in Africa". Are they? 

In one family I know, found her husband a "Mistress" in a younger woman, and moved out of his home, where his wife and daughter were living. It was taken out, but before the divorce was confirmed in some ways, had this expatriate man brain haemorrhage and died. It could be that this was a punishment for his treatment of his former wife. 

The " spouse, his ex wife" is now punished by older family members. The family's head of ex husband's family. They have decided that she was removed from her home and must live in a form of "house arrest", in which she refused intercourse with people other than his daughter, who must bring her food everyday, and there are a lot of kilometres away on the daughter have to go everyday. The older heads in the family requires 250EURO in order for the woman to drop out of this catch destined. Her daughter is powerless as she is unable to help his mother out of this hell, she works every day to sell products to sustain herself and her mother.

This is not a democratic State, as I perceive it. "to my question of why it did not contact the authorities, read the police, then I get to reply that neither police nor politicians dare to intervene in the old traditions. This is incredible. I believe that such an action I have just told you here, is a criminal act, exercised by private, ancient masters, who imagines that they are Earth's rulers. 

Such action is a violation of both the UN rules and violation of international laws and regulations. To starve than other man its freedom is not law and contrary to international human rights. 

This is just one example of how other people and other States treat their citizens. It is simply to be disgusted by. 

Wish that we were many who wrote and sent letters directly to the Attorney General of Ghana, to put an end to this harassment of other people, and includes this story is from the New Town, Accra.

mandag 8. oktober 2012

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søndag 23. september 2012

Are you angry, then wait until the next day, before releasing the words of your lips.

 Are you angry, then wait until the next day, before releasing the words of your lips.

Yeah, it was weekend again, with the joys and sorrows that go with that, hopefully it's a lot more joy than sadness.

The thing that concerns me is why in the world should so many people suffer? There are daily to hear about hunger, hatred, hostility, bullying and war. We adults must lead by a good example for our Er du sint, så vent til dagen derpå, før du slipper ordene over dine lepper.
children, that we are not ready. It is we adults who start all the misery, it's not the kids. Children are innocent little beings who bring what they have from their parents and develop from there.

What causes all the evil to? Broken families, illness, unhappy people, illness and death. We must launch a space all together, and my opinion is to stop talking badly behind the backs of our fellow man, stop bullying each other relgioner, etc., the individual thinks and believes, is totally ok for the individual, it is subjective, but do not think it's the absolute truth.

Are you angry, then wait until the next day, before releasing the words of your lips.
To all of you, have a very nice and peaceful day


Er du sint, så vent til dagen derpå, før du slipper ordene over dine lepper.

Ja da var det helg igjen, med de gleder og sorger det fører med seg, forhåpentligvis er det mye mere glede enn sorg.

Det som opptar meg er hvorfor i all vcerden skal så mange mennesker lide?  Det er daglig å høre om sult, hat, uvennskap, mobbing og krig.  Vi voksne skal gå foran med ett godt eksempel for våre barn, det klar vi ikke.  Det er vi voksne som starter alle elendigheten, det er ikke barna.  Barna er troskyldige små vesen som tar med seg det de har fra sine foreldre, og videreutvikler seg derfra. 

Hva fører all den ondskape til?  Ødelagte familier, sykdom, ulykkelige mennesker, sykdom og død.  Vi må starte en plass alle sammen, og min mening er å slutte å snakke stygt bak om ryggen til våre medmennesker, slutt å mobbe hverandres relgioner, etc.  Det,  det enkelte menneske mener og tror på, er helt ok for den enkelte, det er subjektivt, men tro ikke at det er den absolutte sannhet. 

Er du sint, så vent til dagen derpå, før du slipper ordene over dine lepper.

Ha en god og fredfull søndag.


lørdag 1. september 2012

Mitt herlige Finnmark


Nydelige natur, Øksfjord Finnmark

Årest førset Midnattsol bilde

Stemingsbilde fra Øksfjord

Stemingsbilde fra Øksfjord
 Hurtigruten på tur inn til Øksfjord

Vakkert høstbilde fra Øksfjord, Norway